Health Assessment in Nursing
Here are all of the how-tos, what-tos, when-tos, and why-tos you need to master in a well-organized, well-illustrated text that makes the material easier to learn now… and reference later.
Health Assessment in Nursing
'An Introduction to Television Studies' is a comprehensive introduction to the field.
This convenient, money-saving package is a must-have for nursing students! It includes Jarvis' Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 5th edition text and Mosby's Nursing Video Skills for Physical Examination and Health Assessment.
Specifically designed to match the content in Health Assessment in Nursing, Fourth Edition, this lab manual will help students practice and apply the information they learn in their physical assessment course.
A guide to advanced assessment and clinical diagnosis, this text is organized in a body systems framework and focuses on the adult patient. Each chapter focuses on a major problem associated with each particular body system.
Wilson D, Curry M, DeBoer S: The child with musculoskeletal or articular dysfunction. In Hockenberry M, Wilson D, editors: Wong's Nursing care of infants and ... Koci A, Strickland O: Relationship of adolescent physical and sexual ...
Boehmke M, Dickerson S. The diagnosis of breast cancer: transition from health to illness. ... Secondary sexual characteristics and menses in young girls seen in office practice: a study from the pediatric research in office settings ...
This unique text makes every aspect of health assessment easier to understand and apply. The Third Edition of this health assessment text maintains the strong nursing focus of previous editions.