Badgley , R. F. , Allard , H. A. , Proudfoot , P. M. , Ogilvie , D. , Gelinas , P. M. , Sutherland , S. , McCormick , N. , Fortin , D. , Rae - Grant , Q. , & Pepin , L. ( 1984 ) . Sexual offences against children ( catalogue J2-50 ...
... 予以數量化,製成以得點之多寡表示犯罪可能機率的評量工具,繼而根據此評量工具以預測犯罪者(或潛在犯罪者)未來再犯或犯罪之可能機率,進而採取干預作為,以預防犯罪之發生(黃翠紋、陳義先, 2010 )。因此,危險評估主要目的,在於預先推估出何種人在何種 ...
This volume considers the unique and overlapping long-term effects of all major forms of child maltreatment. The author integrates information on seven types of child abuse and neglect - ranging...
Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act Amendments: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One...
Native Americans Programs Act of 1974, Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian...
In the long list of Irish paedophile priests Father Sean Fortune occupies a pre-eminent position as is shown in this powerful investigation into his life by one of Ireland's most...
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Portrays troubled families who are combating abusive behavior with the help of Parents Anonymous, a self-help group for parents who have abused or fear that they might abuse their children
During the 1980s, discourse concerning child sexual abuse became central to the US/UK media, and in the 1990s, popular culture frequently took child sexual abuse as a subject for representation....
The period of persecution and execution of so-called witches stands as a venomous chapter of Western civilization. The hunt extended from the Middle Ages into the early modern era and...