Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities

Managing Crises: Threats, Dilemmas, Opportunities
Business & Economics / Investments & Securities / General
Charles C Thomas
Uriel Rosenthal, Arjen Boin, Louise Kloos Comfort


This textbook considers the phenomenon of crises from a new perspective; one that bridges the conventional social science view with the ever-changing nature of crises in modern society. The textbook is divided into five sections. The first section introduces the perspective taken in the textbook and offers an understanding of who crises means. The second section discusses how crises develop and escalate. One chapter in this section offers case studies of a number of Los Angeles riots that have taken place since the 1960's, including the riot sparked by the verdict of the Rodney King trial. The third section provides discussions on the decision-making, leadership, and coordination that occur when responding to any particular crisis. Section four reviews the politicization of crisis, as well as the traumas that accompany any crisis. The fifth section details the unintended consequences of modernization and how this will shape crises of the future.

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