This third edition is designed as an introduction to research methods in criminal justice techniques. The detailed information that is generated by research is a management tool that has become a significant part of criminal justice operations. The text discusses the purposes, process, and uses of research that focus on identifying what information is already known about a particular topic or question. Ethical issues in criminal justice research are reviewed, as is investigating the validity and reliability of crime data sources. Also offered is an introduction to research design--the plan or blueprint for a complete research project. The principles of sampling are thoroughly discussed as is survey research, a common form of gathering information in the criminal justice setting. A review of the concept of scaling and some common methods of scale construction are introduced. Additional major topics include qualitative interviews and observational studies in qualitative research, as well as a wide variety of research techniques that comprise evaluation research. The definitions and examples provided in the book will help students and practitioners to both comprehend research articles and reports and to conduct their own research. Each of the authors brings specific areas of expertise to the text, and they are familiar with the research process and have worked together on several published studies. The text is designed primarily for persons with little or no research background and provides real-world examples and clear definitions of terms and concepts.
Explores the why, what, and how of research methods by focusing on topics such as connecting theory to criminal justice research; conceptualization and measurement; sampling; the experiment and causation; survey research; secondary data ...
Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology connects key concepts to real field research and practices using contemporary examples and recurring case studies throughout the book that demonstrate how concepts relate to students’ ...
Revised edition of the author's Research methods in criminal justice and criminology, [2014]
Washington, DC: The Police Foundation. ... Statistics for social scientists: A coordinated learning system. New York: Wiley. ... Foundations of behavioral statistics: An insight-based approach. New York: Guilford. Tufte, E. R. (1997).
Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology connects key concepts to real field research and practices using contemporary examples and recurring case studies throughout the book that demonstrate how concepts relate to students’ ...
The book also examines survey methods, survey instruments, and questionnaires, including wording, organization, and pretesting.
Based on Earl Babbie's best-selling text, THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH, this text combines the key strengths of Babbie's text (accessibility; a conversational, "friendly" writing style; and great examples) with Michael G. Maxfield's ...
Filled with practical, example-filled discussions and applications, drawn from various facets of criminal justice research, this text gives students of criminal justice and criminology an exceptionally clear understanding of how social ...
Developing information literacy and critical thinking skills through domain knowledge learning in digital classrooms: An experience of practicing flipped ... Computers & Education, 78, 160–173. ... New York, NY: Pearson Education.
The text describes elementary descriptive and inferential statistics, demonstrates research techniques, and examines the various scientific perspectives used in research today.