This third edition, arriving nearly 12 years after the previous one, is not only timely but overdue. This text offers a welcome and appropriate mixture of knowledge or information about specific types of technology along with empirical studies of certain technology used in various subcomponents of the criminal justice system. This text consists of 12 chapters, with eight completely new and four substantially revised and updated. The text is arranged into two parts: law enforcement technology and public safety technology. Major topics include: technology infrastructure: what it is and how it’s changing; current overview of law enforcement technology; body-worn cameras: the new normal; avoiding the technological panacea of the body-worn camera; examining perceptions of technology-enabled crimes; digital forensics; technological advancements in keeping victims safe; the evolution of offender electronic monitoring: from radio signals to satellite technology; technoprisons: technology and prisons; inside the Darknet: techno-crime and criminal opportunity; securing cyberspace in the 21st century; and assessing the deployment of automated license place recognition technology and strategies to improve public safety. Numerous illustrations and tables highlight the chapter contents. Students, educators, and practitioners will find this new edition most useful as it provides practical knowledge about different technology advances and projections on many levels. This third edition has developed into an excellent resource that allows both neophyte and expert to learn state-of-the-art information.
Law Enforcement, Policing, & Security
New to This Edition: Complete overview of local, state, and federal law enforcement organizations, including a detailed explanation of the governmental reorganization post--September 11 "NEW" chapter on technology and its role in law ...
Two key concerns lie at the heart of this volume. First, the book investigates the origins and development of emerging DFTs and their interactions with criminal behaviour, crime prevention, victimisation, and crime control.
This volume brings together a series of original contributions made by international experts dedicated to guiding efforts in preventing crime.
Experts now have a much more nuanced understanding of the psychological implications of being a juror, and advances in technology and neuroscience make the work of rendering a decision in a criminal trial more complicated than ever before.
An instructor and student favorite, the Fourteenth Edition continues its tradition of thorough analysis of today's issues in an easy-to-read format.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This two-volume set in the SAGE 21st Century Reference Series is intended to provide undergraduate majors with an authoritative reference source that will serve their research needs with more detailed information than encyclopedia entries ...
This is achieved by first outlining and addressing questions such as: What if incarceration were not an option for most?; Whose voices are essential in this era of decarceration?; What is the state of evidence for solutions?
In addition to readers directly involved in the security disciplines, this book will be useful for students in technical fields of study such as geographic information systems (GIS), computer science, or engineering who are seeking ...