Spiritual Art Therapy (3rd Ed.): An Alternate Path

Spiritual Art Therapy (3rd Ed.): An Alternate Path
Art therapy
Charles C Thomas Publisher
Ellen G. Horovitz


In this exceptional new third edition, the author has retained the intent to animate the spiritual dimension that exists within all of us and embrace its resource for growth and change. Tapping into a person's belief system and spiritual dimension provides clinicians with information that can impact both assessment and treatment. By drawing on sources in the literature of religion, psychodynamics, systems theory, sociology, art, and ethics, the author lays a foundation for discovering and measuring clients’ spiritual sensibilities and search for personal meaning of their relationship to God. Chapter 1 discusses the evolution of the book and how the author embarked upon the inclusion of the spiritual dimension in assessment and treatment. Chapter 2 reviews the literature that encircles art therapy, mental health, and spirituality and explores its impact. Chapter 3 examines the Belief Art Therapy Assessment (BATA). Chapter 4 highlights the interviews and use of the BATA with clergy, while Chapter 5 explores its use with a “normal” adult artist population. Chapter 6 looks at spiritual art therapy with emotionally disturbed children and youth in residential treatment. Chapter 7 offers a case vignette of spiritual art therapy with a suicidal anorectic bulimic. Chapter 8 discusses phototherapy applications regarding the issue of mourning and loss. Academic and clinical applications are presented. Chapter 9 explores humankind’s search for inner and outer meaning after the tragedy of September 11. The final chapter offers an extensive discussion on the pathway for life and the body in treatment. The role of yoga and art therapy, including the importance of moving forward into life with greater resiliency and independence, is examined. An excellent resource for increased knowledge and sensitivity, the book is designed for art therapists, mental health workers, social workers, educational therapists, pastoral counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other creative arts therapists.

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