For this ultimate book-lover's guide, more than one hundred famous writers have contributed original essays in response to the question, "What books have left the greatest impression on you and why?" The result is not a contrived list of Western civilization's "Great Books" but a heartfelt commentary on books -- classic and otherwise -- by the writers readers most admire.In a world of burgeoning book clubs, For the Love of Books offers literally hundreds of wonderfully readable recommendations. Contributors include: Diane Ackerman, Ann Beattie, Amy Bloom, Robert Bly, Rita Mae Brown, Christopher Buckley, Ethan Canin, John Casey, Gretel Ehrlich, Penelope Fitzgerald, Gail Godwin, Nadine Gordimer, Pete Hamill, Jonathan Harr, Tracy Kidder, Caroline Knapp, Elmore Leonard, Doris Lessing, Frank McCourt, Elizabeth McCracken, Arthur Miller, Michael Ondaatje, Cynthia Ozick, Robert B. Parker, Anna Quindlen, Carol Shields, Mona Simpson, John Updike, Wendy Wasserstein, Tobias Wolff, and many others. Index.For the Love of Books is an invitation to fall in love with the books these writers love -- and a fascinating window into the creative mind.
The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne: The French and Italian notebooks
我要感謝許多人,尤其是:萊克西·布魯姆( LexyBloom )、傑夫·亞歷山大( JefA1exander )、彼得·特澤恩( Peter Terzian)、安·梅西 ... ( CardonWebb )、大衛·威克(DavidWike)、麥克斯·費登( Max Fenton)、亞瑟·丹托( ArthurDanto )、華勒斯·葛雷( WalaceGray ) ...
日本講談社:「不是在首爾的鄉下出版社要怎麼翻譯出書?」 韓國釜山獨立出版社「山鷹」的十週年地方出版生存記 ...
“承认现实的恐怖,以这种方式将它消解。葬身鲸腹——或承认你就在鲸腹中。” ——乔治·奥威尔? ...
奥威尔可谓是20世纪最发人深省且文笔最为生动的随笔作家之一,他以过人的精力和毫不妥协的语言,用笔和纸与其时代的偏见进行抗争,也因此而闻名于世。本书收集了迄今所能搜 ...
奥威尔可谓是20世纪最发人深省且文笔最为生动的随笔作家之一,他以过人的精力和毫不妥协的语言,用笔和纸与其时代的偏见进行抗争,也因此而闻名于世。本书收集了迄今所能搜 ...
陈忠实:尽管对过去的记忆有饥饿有痛苦,但作为历史,往往会怀念。一眼望不透的小麦地,弥漫的清香,令人很沉醉。而现在闻到的是樱桃花的香味,而不是小麦的香味了。新京报:你觉得白鹿原上的人变了吗?陈忠实:肯定变了嘛,今天的人绝不是白嘉轩时代的人了, ...
在《读书》杂志最具影响力的年月,这位80岁的老人是发表文章最多的一个,所以陈平原称他为“《读书》时代的精灵”。不过对于大多数读者来说,最熟悉的大概只是他的文化散文,对于其他,却未必了解了。我们撷取老人生命中的若干侧影,不求全面展现金克木的文化成就 ...
David Crockett of West Tennessee , 145-47 Skidelsky , Robert , 555 Sleepless Nights ( Hardwick ) , 516 Sloan , Alfred ... 321 Social Transformation of American Medicine , The ( Starr ) , 540 Sociobiology : The New Synthesis ( Wilson ) ...
Finally, the scandal of the Chronicles of Narnia may be the biggest and most misleading of all. Rearranging the order of the books against Lewis's wishes is just a minor part of the problem.".