When it comes to your new baby, everyone from Dr. Spock to Dr. Brazleton has an armful of advice. But no one's delivering any tips on how you can care for yourself. Now, four-time delivery room veteran Vicki Iovine answers your questions, calms your fears, and cracks you up as only a girlfriend can, with straight advice and hilarious observations on... "Baby euphoria": Is it a mind-altering drug? "Husband? What Husband?": Taking care of the big baby, as well as the little baby "I Want My Old Body Back!": What you can fix and what you can't "The Droning Phenomenon": The inability to discuss anything but your baby for more than thirty seconds "Do I Have to Become Carol Brady?": Conquering your fear of being a less-than-perfect mother "Competitive Mothering": Coping with know-it-alls, finger-pointers, and others who try to "Out-Mom" you NOTE: Pausing to read this book may be the only selfish thing you do all year, since you'll have time for nothing else!
And much more! For a reassuring voice or just a few good belly laughs, turn to this straight-talking guide on what to really expect when you’re expecting.
What to Buy, What to Borrow, and What to Blow Off! Vicki Iovine, Peg Rosen. Got , Yves , 193 Infant activity gym , 165–66 , 191 Gotsch , Gwen , 135 Infant - only seats , 25–26 , 28 , 29-31 , 33 Gowns with elasticized bottoms , 51 Infant ...
Sequel to THE BEST FRIENDS' GUIDE TO PREGNANCY, providing witty advice for new mothers on everything from coping with postpartum mood swings to salvaging their sex lives.
Vicki Iovine. ALSO BY VICKI IOVINE The Girlfriends ' Guide to Pregnancy The Girlfriends ' Guide to Pregnancy Daily Diary The Girlfriends ' Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood The Girlfriends ' Guide to Getting Your Groove Back ...
Invariably , the Girlfriend going through the divorce was missing from our hiking group , either avoiding us in humiliation , tending to traumatized kids , or taking to her bed while her parents cared for her kids , so we could talk ...
Here is straight talk about those little things that are too strange or embarrassing to ask anyone about, practical tips and hilarious takes on everything pregnant.
One of my Girlfriends remembers a time that she was in a beauty salon getting her roots touched up and a complete stranger approached her with a look of tremendous concern and inquired, “Don't you know you are not supposed to use ...
Filled with straight talk from a four-time delivery room veteran, this book sees readers through the most exhilarating and exhausting time of their lives, one day at a time.
There's no magical formula for new mums, but The Best Friends' Guide to Babies can help you cope - laugh!
Funny, practical and reassuring, The Best Friends' Guide to Getting your Groove Back helps you regain control of your life - with attitude.