WHO KNEW BABIES NEEDED SO MANY ACCESSORIES? It’s official. You’re pregnant. Get used to the fact that life is never going to be the same. And break out the credit card, because that little bundle of joy is going to cost you. The list seems endless—from car seats to changing pads. But don’t despair. The Girlfriends are here to take some of the guesswork out of shopping for baby-to-be. We’ll tell you when to skimp and when to splurge, and which hand-me-downs are safe and which are sorry. You’ll get advice on… Where to get what you need Crib and car seat do’s and don’ts Wardrobe musts and misses—for mother and child Stocking the nursery and the rest of the house What every new mom should have on hand for herself The Master Shopping List—don’t leave home without it! Plus the Top 10 Things to Do for Yourself Before the Baby Arrives, the Top 10 Baby Items You Won’t Find at a Baby Store, the Top 10 Best—and Worst—Things to Borrow, the Top 10 Signs of a First-Time Mom, and more…
And much more! For a reassuring voice or just a few good belly laughs, turn to this straight-talking guide on what to really expect when you’re expecting.
": Conquering your fear of being a less-than-perfect mother "Competitive Mothering": Coping with know-it-alls, finger-pointers, and others who try to "Out-Mom" you NOTE: Pausing to read this book may be the only selfish thing you do all ...
Vicki Iovine. ALSO BY VICKI IOVINE The Girlfriends ' Guide to Pregnancy The Girlfriends ' Guide to Pregnancy Daily Diary The Girlfriends ' Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood The Girlfriends ' Guide to Getting Your Groove Back ...
Invariably , the Girlfriend going through the divorce was missing from our hiking group , either avoiding us in humiliation , tending to traumatized kids , or taking to her bed while her parents cared for her kids , so we could talk ...
Filled with straight talk from a four-time delivery room veteran, this book sees readers through the most exhilarating and exhausting time of their lives, one day at a time.
Here is straight talk about those little things that are too strange or embarrassing to ask anyone about, practical tips and hilarious takes on everything pregnant.
One of my Girlfriends remembers a time that she was in a beauty salon getting her roots touched up and a complete stranger approached her with a look of tremendous concern and inquired, “Don't you know you are not supposed to use ...
An entertaining, practical guide for first-time mamas and those who need a baby refresher course.
Three top ob/gyn's--who are also moms themselves and hosts of the Oprah Winfrey Network's Deliver Me--offer a comprehensive guide to pregnancy. Original. TV tie-in.
Babytalk Magazine. RAVES FOR. Babytalk. FROM THE EXPERTS . . . “We read Babytalk magazine with each of our eight babies, and we've been writing for Babytalk for more than twenty-five years ... Baby Book “With just the right balance of humor ...