Consequently , the gap between D and F is probably greater than between A and B. Spence [ 66 ] suğgested two methods for assigning weights to grades . In one method he made an attempt to equalize the difference between the percentages ...
This Year 1 assessment guide accompanies the Progress and Assess Maths progress checks, which are available in print and online as part of Progress and Assess, and Abacus"--Back cover.
This Year 3 assessment guide accompanies the Progress and Assess Maths progress checks, which are available in print and online as part of Progress and Assess, and Abacus"--Back cover.
Assessment Alternatives in Mathematics
Resource Guide for Teaching and Marking Assistants in History
This book helps educators to design assignments and rigorous rubrics that truly measure student learning objectives.
Diana Mazzuchi , Nancy Brooks , and Maggie Shine have developed a " process curriculum " in which they engage their students in cooperative groups to research something of their choice . HOW ? They ask their students to follow a four ...
Assessment Literacy for Wise Decisions: A Publication Commissioned by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers
Based on rigorous and replicated research, this is the first book to show why and how faculty who wish to focus on learning, rather than sorting or judging, might proceed.
Reading Street Common Core: Assessment handbook. Grades 2-3
Includes reproducible forms of informal, performance-based, and formal reading assessments.