This significant work is now reissued in paperback, without appendices. The text provides a detailed yet clear and accessible guide to English and international arbitration law.
... was not until 1920 that the State of New York recognised arbitration clauses as valid and enforceable ; and it was the first state to do so : see Coulson “ Commercial Arbitration in the United States ” ( 1985 ) 51 Arbitration 367 .
2006 ICSID Rules, Rule 39(4); Y. Derains & E. Schwartz, A Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration 37. 38. 299 (2005). See G. Born, International Commercial Arbitration 2632–35 (3d ed. 2021). 2021 ICC Rules, Art. 29 & App'x V; ...
This book explains how and why arbitration works. offering comprehensive coverage of the basic requirements, including recent changes in arbitration laws, rules, and guidelines.
Kommentar zu den Zivilprozessgesetzen, Band II/2, 2nd edition [2003], Wien: Manz. Fasching, H. / Konecny, A. (eds.), Kommentar zu den Zivilprozessgesetzen, Band III, 2nd edition [2004], Wien: Manz. Fasching, H. / Konecny, A. (eds.) ...
Combining expert commentary on the origins, essence and characteristics of the Arbitration Act 1996 with practical guidance on the application of the Act in court, this work is still truly indispensable.
1996) .......... 247 n.85, 280 n.279,755 n.132 Paine Webber v. Elahi, 87 F. 3d 589 (1st Cir. 1996) .......... 194 n.19, 196 n.26, 280 n.280,282 n.293, 403 n.153, 753–5, 766 n.30 Paine Webber v. Landay, 903 F. Supp. 193 (D. Mass. 1995) .
This volume provides a detailed review of the process of international commercial arbitration, from the drafting of the arbitration agreement to the enforcement of the arbitral tribunal's award. It has...
This book comprises contributions from well-known arbitration practitioners and scholars who present, in a straightforward and readable fashion, the rich and varied nature of arbitration in England today.
Previous edition, 1st, published in 2003.