This single portable volume, written by a leading figure in the field, takes a thematic approach to the subject matter; provides expert analysis, and succinctly identifies regulatory principles. UK regulation is a topic deserving attention from special regulatory lawers, as well as financial practitioners and general company and commercial lawyers. This text will provide practitioners with a clear understanding of the regulatory aspects of their particular specialism.
Cavanaugh ( 1987 ) looked at the potential to use futures contract prices to generate profits . The data represented daily changes in the logarithm of futures prices for delivery of currency on specific days .
Custom Essentials of Management
Finance: Applications & Theory
Enterprise Management Incentives
Stamp Duty
Class 1A National Insurance Contributions
Topics in Finance: A Guide for the Financially Perplexed
Genetics, Insurance and Discrimination
Comprendre la finance: pour les non-financiers et les étudiants : ce que signifient vraiment les chiffres de l'entreprise
This 2003 book summarizes theoretical developments in statistical tools to measure financial markets, for students and professionals in econophysics and analytical markets.