This well-established title provides comprehensive coverage of industrial law presented against the practical background of industrial relations. This new edition includes the provisions of the Employment Act 2002. Other topics covered in this book include health and safety at work, industrialsafety legislation and relevant areas of social security law, as well as mainstream employment law and, of course, the ever-increasing involvement of EC law.
This book, the first-ever to consider the sources of labour law from a comparative perspective, details the ways in which the traditional hierarchy of sources has been altered, presenting an international view on major cross-cutting issues ...
Dignity, Alvin L. Goldman
These essays are the product of a comparative dialogue among academics and practitioners in labour law and legal fields including immigration, trade, and development. They identify analyse and respond to conceptual and policy challenges.
This collection brings together perspectives from industrial relations, political economy, political theory, labour history, sociology, gender studies and regulatory theory to build a more inclusive theory of labour law.
This edited collection draws together papers delivered at a symposium on New Frontiers in Empirical Labour Law Research held at the University of Cambridge in April 2014.
... System of Preferences United States–Cambodia bilateral textile agreements Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Corporate codes of conduct Framework agreements NGOs' social responsibility standards ISO standards Pros and cons of CSR ...
Beyer [1977] IRLR 211, 452—3 Bleuse v. MBT Transport Ltd [2008] ICR 488 (EAT) 59 Blundell v. St Andrew's Catholic Primary School [2007] ICR 1451 (EAT) 382 Boddington v. Lawton [1994] ICR 478 496 Bolton School v.
The book deals with the sources of labour law, individual employment relationships, collective bargaining, remuneration, working conditions, and dispute settlement.
U. Mückenberger, Hybrid Global Labour Law, in: Labour Law Between Change and Tradition, Liber Amicorum Antoine Jacobs 99–116 (R. Blanpain&F. Hendrickx eds., Alphen aan de Rijn: Kluwer 2011). For more details, O. Lobel ...
Although an objection would not prevent dismissal, it would place the worker in a strong position when fighting the case in court. The approach of the 1951 Act had a major influence in other European countries in the period of the ...