Following the same structure and philosophy as the two previous editions which have made this work so well respected, the new, third edition of English Legal System in Context offers a fresh approach to this core subject by considering a wider range of issue than can be found in other texts on this field. One example of this expanded approach can be seen in its coverage of the legal justice system. Here the authors consider the police, their powers and the rights of suspects detained at the police station. However, they also examine the world of private policing, the work of environmental health officers and other non-police prosecutors, as well as the role of the public in uncovering crime.
... sometimes at its own instance.83 Falk Moore's ideas have been developed by Peter Fitzpatrick,84 who has emphasized that an ... Fitzpatrick has attempted to show, in a Third World context, how the family and its legal order (one ...
Assisting students of the English legal system to achieve an understanding of the law, its institutions and processes, this edition sets the law and legal system in its social context and outlines a range of critical views.
The House of Lords departed from its decision in Anderton v Ryan on the basis that the decision was wrong. Lord Bridge, although recognising the need for certainty in criminal law, felt that it was permissible to depart from the ...
This edition also includes an updated version of the court system, the rules of civil procedure, and revised chapters on criminal procedure.
Cases and Materials on the English Legal System
This text has been relied upon by generations of students and is renowned for its wide-ranging coverage and signature writing style.
USEFUL WEBSITES United Kingdom Parliament home page European Court of Justice home page European Court of Human Rights home page Welsh ...
Younger jurors were better able than older jurors to comprehend the legal instructions, with comprehension of directions on the law declining as the age of the juror increased. A written summary of the judge's directions on the law ...
I thank also the team at Cambridge University Press – Sinead Moloney, Stephanie Thelwell and above all Wendy Gater – for the efficient and courteous way they handled a difficult manuscript and what must have been for them a tiresome ...
The English Legal System offers a modern, contemporary approach to the core ELS curriculum, offering clear explanations to clarify the material without oversimplification.