Understanding Australian Consumer Credit Law
This new edition provides a comprehensive update on issues involving the provision of credit to consumers or strata corporations under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth) (NCCP) and the National Credit Code (NCC).
Drawing together authors from all of these jurisdictions, this book analyses and evaluates these initiatives, and makes predictions as to their likely success and possible flaws.
This volume explores contemporary problems related to the regulation of consumer credit in market economies with a focus on credit extended to the most vulnerable and poorest members of the community.
Australian Consumer Credit Law Guide
Consumer Credit Law in Australia: A Commentary on the New Credit Legislation
The updated and revised second edition covers all major developments in legislation and case law since the first edition was published in 1999.
Consumer Credit Law: The South Australian Precedent
Examines the 2010 Australian Consumer Law reform package in broader context. It considers parallel re-regulation of consumer credit and other financial markets impacting on consumers. Malbon from Monash University.