Each volume in this widely acclaimed series provides practitioners, academics and students with an analytical and perceptive account of legal developments during the year in question.
This book is for the intermediate investor who wishes to expand their financing possibilities in building their own property portfolio. Accompanying the book are supplementary reading material and accompanying support website.
The text s effective format, manageable length, and inclusion of the most important cases make Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods concise and efficient.
The book uses a problem-based approach to help students master the applicable legal rules, understand how the law applies to both simple and complex commercial transactions, and learn how to use the law in planning transactions and drafting ...
Sales & Leases in California Commercial Law Practice
The text's effective format, manageable length, and inclusion of the most important cases make Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods concise and efficient.
The Sixth Edition has been updated to address the recently aborted effort to revise Articles 2 and 2A. It also includes recent cases on the scope of Article 2, as well as those on the disclaimer of consequential damages.
An Essay on the Learning: Respecting the Creation and Execution of Powers - And Also Respecting the Nature and Effect...
Em momento de franca expansão do mercado imobiliário, dos imóveis residenciais aos rurais, alguns dos especialistas do assunto, advogados, consultores, juízes e desembargadores, uniram-se para analisaos temas inovadores e as...