... to the cause of action may bring the action within such times as are before limited after the return of the absent person to the province.106 It would seem that the statute is not 101 Huber v . Steiner , supra , note 99 ; Harris v .
Canadian Conflict of Laws
Canadian Conflict of Laws, Volume 1: Supplement
Explains and analyzes the rules of the conflict of laws in force in common law Canada in a clear and concise manner.
Introduction to Conflict of Laws
Conflict of Laws: Cases, Notes and Materials
Conflict of Laws is a field of law which is not very widely known to the ordinary law practitioner. It has to be considered only if a particular litigation has...
Introduction to Conflict of Laws
This book presents a collection of leading common law cases in private international law ranging from the 18th to the 21st century.
International Conflict of Laws: Common, Civil, and Maritime
Conflict of Laws, Survey and Primer