Surprising though it seems, the world faces almost as great a threat today from arthropod-borne diseases as it did in the heady days of the 1950s when global eradication of such diseases by eliminating their vectors with synthetic insecticides, particularly DDT, seemed a real possibility. Malaria, for example, still causes tremendous morbidity and mortality throughout the world, especially in Africa. Knowledge of the biology of insect and arachnid disease vectors is arguably more important now than it has ever been. Biological research directed at the development of better methods of control becomes even more important in the light of the partial failure of many control schemes that are based on insecticide- although not all is gloom, since basic biological studies have contributed enormously to the outstanding success of international control programmes such as the vast Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. It is a sine qua non for proper understanding of the epidemiology and successful vector control of any human disease transmitted by an arthropod that all concerned with the problem - medical entomologist, parasitologist, field technician - have a good basic understanding of the arthropod's biology. Knowledge will be needed not only of its direct relationship to any parasite or pathogen that it transmits but also of its structure, its life history and its behaviour - in short, its natural history. Above all, it will be necessary to be sure that it is correctly identified.
Follows in the tradition of Herm's Medical and Veterinary Entomology The latest information on developments in entomology relating to public health and veterinary importance Two separate indexes for enhanced searchability: Taxonomic and ...
Heartland virus was first isolated from two male patients in northwestern Missouri (McMullan et al., 2010). ... Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is widely distributed throughout most of the United States and, to a lesser extent, ...
The aim of this book is to introduce the behaviour, ecology, pathology and control of arthropod ectoparasites of domestic animals to students and practitioners of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and applied biology.
Eggs are laid in batches of 8–10 in shallow pits in the soil . This species feeds on grass and low ... Alexander , R. D. and T. J. Walker . ... Bellman , H. A Field Guide to the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Britain and Northern Europe .
About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
The Book Deals With The Identification Of Old World Arthropods Of Known Medical Importance.
This book provides information on the recognition, biology, ecology and medical importance of the arthropods that affect human health.
Even in the most industrialized nations, the health problems caused by common and exotic insects pose a serious threat, making quick and accurate diagnosis and treatment imperative.
Special collections include J. Curtis collection (mainly British ... Curators: Como collection: Dr. I. Abbott, Mr. A. J. Wills; Curator Monjimup collection: Dr. J. D. Farr, Mr. S. G. Dick. The collection is located.
This text is the essential tool for identifying arthropods-including varieties of insects, spiders, mites, and scorpions-and the health problems they cause. Vector-borne diseases such as malaria, Lyme disease, and tick-borne...