Extensively revised, this edition contains a new treatment of evolution theory, new classifications of certain groups which are illustrated in range charts, and many new photographs and illustrations.
The combined research experience of twenty-six authors gives this book a unique richness in information, interpretation, and evaluation of controversies and unanswered questions that are necessary to present the current state of ...
This is the new edition of a bestselling text.
From their studies in these Recent environments, Rhoads and Morse concluded that diversity declines sharply as oxygen levels fall below 0.5—1.0 ml/l; soft-bodied organisms are the commonest benthonic organisms below 1.0 ml O2/1; ...
Major Events in the History of Life, present six chapters that summarize our understanding of crucial events that shaped the development of the earth's environment and the course of biological evolution over some four billion years of ...
Campbell, J. H. 1982. Autonomy in evolution, pp. 190–200 in Milkman, R., ed., Perspectives on Evolution. Sinauer, Sunderland, Mass. Campbell, K. A., and D. J. Bottjer. 1993. Fossil cold-seeps (Jurassic-Pliocene) along the convergent ...
Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution
Palaeontology, a fundamental topic in geology and evolutionary biology, has undergone exciting and rapid change in recent years. Contemporary debates on mass extinctions and the origin of life have had...
This book provides practical morphological information, together with detailed illustrations and brief explanatory texts.
This 1993 textbook describes and explains the origin and evolution of plants as revealed by the fossil record.
J Mol Evol 42:552–559 Macleod N, Rawson PF, Forey PL, Banner FT, Boudagher-Fadel MK, Bown PR, Burnett JA, Chambers P, Culver S, Evans SE, Jeffery C, Kaminski MA, Lord AR, Milner AC, Milner AR, Morris N, Owen E, Rosen BR, Smith AB, ...