Throughout the management literat ure , as elegantly trumpeted by management consultants and gurus, there seems to be a common message: tor a firm to be competitive it must produce quality goods or services. This means that firms, to remain competitive, must at the same time produce at the least cost possible to be price competitive and deli ver high quality products and services. As a result, quality has become strategie overnight, involving all, both in and out of the firm, in the management of its interfaces with clients and the environment. To give quality, suppliers, buyers, operations and marketing managers, as weIl as corporate management must become aware of the mutual relationships and inter-dependencies to which they are subjected, so that they will be able to function as a coherent whole. This involves human relations and people problems, organizational design issues, engineering design options, monitoring and control approaches and, most of all , a managerial philosophy that can integrate, monitor and eontrol the multiple elements which render the firm a viable quality producing and profitable whole. To realize the benefits of quality it is imperative that we design products to be compatible with market needs, market structure, eompetition and, of course, that we are constantly aware and abreast of consumers' tastes and the manufacturing technologies that are continuously emerging.
员工可以每周在家中工作一两天,或者大多数时间在家工作,并定期到办公室参加会议。听起来好像你的组织许多职位都需要远程办公,也就是说,工作的性质是独立的或需要高度集中精力。如果是这种情况,请考虑允许员工间歇性地(一周一天或两天)在家工作, ...
فهم الأمور المالية ومايكمن خلفها إن المديرين في كل مشروع تجاري أو صناعي يتوقع منهم أن يستخدموا البيانات المالية لاتخاذ القرارات، وتخصيص الموارد، ونفقات الميزانية. ولكن الحقيقة هي أن كثيرين...
Mulder , Mauk and Hans Wilke . Participation and Power Equalization , Organizational Behavior and Human Performance , Vol . 5 ( 1970 ) , 430–438 . Rosen , Benson , and Thomas H. Jerdee . Influence of Subordinate Characteristics on Trust ...
The first section of the book is concerned with how economics is, and should be used, in business.
The Leadership of Teams 第十八章管理:如何避免团队偏离正轨 没有一种力量可以鞭策我实现自己的目标,可是我跃跃欲试的野心,不顾一切地驱使我去冒颠簸的危险。——威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)《麦克白》第一幕,场景7 作为一名团队领导者, ...
“我的激情在哪里?”“我代表、支持的是什么?”“我希望人们如何评价我,我做得又如何?”这些问题的答案凝聚了你的影响力思维。在本书中,指导过上千位高管的影响力教练 ...
王(语气诚恳):我是娱乐司户王副经理。我想李总约个时间见见面,想请李总加我们的员俱乐。我们娱乐司是一档的员俱乐,设先进华,各口味的菜肴和各娱乐戏应有尽有,加我们的员俱乐,可受......秘书打了小王的话。秘书:我知道了,王经理。李总正在开,等开, ...
一个决策在上周看还很好,而在这周就可 到决策是一个开放的不断反复的过程,在决策实施过程中密切关注事态的发展,一旦原有的决策方案不再能够达到原有的决策目标时,就要准备重新开始决策。另外,作为管理者而言,还要认识到并不是所有问题都必须由你来解决。