In this book leading experts including George Box, Noriaki Kano, Yoshio Kondo, John Oakland and James Harrington, analyse and document various aspects of Total Quality Management. Contributions range from discussions of the principles, strategy, culture, leadership, eduction and benchmarking to world class experience and achieving excellence both in the manufacturing and service industries. With over 100 contributions this book is an invaluable resource for the total quality managment journey. It will be of special interest to educationalists, academics, senior managers and directors, and quality practitioners from both the public and private sectors.
Total Quality Management
Whitten , Neal , Managing Software Development Projects , Wiley , New York , 1990 . Wilson , Bill , ' Quality Training At FebEx ' , Quality Digest , 15 , No. 1 , January 1995 , pp . 40–43 . Zachara , Maciej , ' CRM W Klimacie B2B - cz .
Written in plain language, this text discusses how to tailor TQM to fit the specific needs of organizations of all types and sizes. The focus is on the principles and processes as well as the tools and techniques for continuous improvement.
Total Quality Management
Text with Cases John S. Oakland ... Quality guru John Oakland's famous TQM model, in many ways a precursor to these frameworks, has evolved to become the ultimate holistic overview of performance improvement strategy.
Total Quality Management, (Revised Edition)
Written for practitioners and students with an engineering background, this book bridges the gap between their understanding of the techniques of quality control and the wider definition of TQM which is now accepted as a key part of ...
Total Quality Management - A System to Implement
Organisations are now focused on total customer satisfaction. However there is a lack of understanding the requirements and the customer needs. Total Quality Management (TQM) integrates all phases and ensures a defect free quality product.