The Third Edition covers and updates the theory, principles and practice of ADR especially mediation, providing understanding, guidance and authority.
Brown & Marriott's ADR Principles and Practice is the classic reference work in the UK and internationally on alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
This title deals with dispute resolution as a coherent and discrete topic and remains unchallenged in this respect. It covers the theory, principles and practice of ADR especially mediation, providing understanding, guidance and authority.
This handbook provides theories, principles, examples of practice, and materials relating to ADR in Tanzania and is therefore an essential resource for practicing lawyers as well as law students with an interest in Tanzania.
Brown & Marriott's ADR Principles and Practice
Generally, see also Center for Public Resources, CPR Practice Guide: ADR Use in Federal and State Courts, 1990, ... Trials: Observations About Alternative Dispute Resolution in an Advisory Culture' (1991) 19 Fla St UL Rev, pp 89 and 98.
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
ADR: Principles, Process, Practice
Arbitration has become the dispute resolution method of choice in international transactions. This book explains how and why arbitration works.
... matter was not previously brought to the attention of the • other party (Fastrack v Morrison [2000] BLR 168); and the adjudicator acted unfairly, resulting in significant prejudice, such as where the adju• dicator allowed new claims ...