The longest running law revision series, trusted by students for over 30 years, Nutshells present the essentials of law clearly and concisely in a memorable and user friendly way. The ideal companion both for getting up to speed with a new topic of law and preparing for law exams. This is the law in a nutshell!
Nutshell: Equity & Trust presents the essentials of law in a clear, straightforward language, explaining the basic principles and highlighting key cases and statutes.
"Based on original text by Angela Sydenham."
This part of the Nutshells series explains the basic principles of equity and trusts in clear language and highlights key cases and statutes. Topics covered include definitions of trusts, formalities, constitution of trusts and duties.
Each book contains essay and problem-based questions on the most commonly examined topics, complete with expert guidance and fully worked model answers that help you to: Plan your revision: introducing how best to approach revision in each ...
Equity & Trusts
It provides the reader with a comprehensive outline of the main principles and case law of equity and trusts.Contents Introduction and maxims of equity and trusts; Definition and classification of trusts; Constitution of trusts; Resulting ...
Nutcases are a revision aid that approach case law in the acclaimed Nutshells style.
This book is a revision tool for students, summarising the essential components of the law of Equity and Trusts.
Each book contains essay and problem-based questions on the most commonly examined topics, complete with expert guidance and fully worked model answers that help you to: Plan your revision: introducing how best to approach revision in each ...
The essence of the law.