Peirce , C. S. ( 1931–35 / 1958 ) . Collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce . 8 Vols . Cambridge MA : Harvard University Press . Cited as CP x.y - y ( = volume.paragraph ) . Peirce , C. S. ( 1982ff . ) . Writings of Charles S. Peirce ...
This outstanding collection of specially-commissioned chapters by leading international philosophers discusses these questions and many more.
"This book is an ethnographic investigation of the everyday professional lives of experimental cognitive psychologists, aimed at conveying to readers a sense of the social world of thelaboratory, and explaining how the field produces ...
Various genetic screening tests and their potential use for the evaluation of presumptive and actual mutagens are also covered. This book is ideal for safety and design engineers, students, technicians, and scientists.
Warm, luminous, compulsively readable, Lab Girl vividly demonstrates the mountains that we can move when love and work come together.
At 6:45 a.m. on a crisp, clear spring morning, just days after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Forbes walked up to the ferry captain at Orient Point flanked by Grossman and John McDonald, an investigative reporter from Newsday.
Why do we reflexively run toward people we love, but only walk toward others? In Vigor, Reza Shadmehr and Alaa Ahmed examine the link between how the brain assigns value to things and how it controls our movements.
Mind and Brain: A Laboratory for Everyone
From identifying the biological clocks that govern behavior and physiology to observing the self-regulation of nutrient levels by the body, the cyclical nature of some mental illnesses, and the causes of hopelessness, Curt Richter's wide ...
Hence, this is the perfect reference for clinical laboratorians, from trainees, to experienced pathologists and directors.