Sacred Worldsexplores the ways in which religion, its symbols, rites, beliefs and hopes, has shaped the world in which we live. Chris Park explores the definitions of religion, its historical and ideological origins and its development. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and their numerous offshoots are all described. The wide range of material drawn from these different belief systems is set within the context of religious, demographic, political and economic change. The nature of sacred space as place of pilgrimage and as cultural landscape is also analysed. This book enriches our understanding of the ways in which religion has mapped our world.
Wolfe, Judith, Heidegger's Eschatology: Theological Horizons in Martin Heidegger's Early Work (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). Wrathall, Mark, ed., Religion after Metaphysics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
D. Rothberg and S. Kelly, pp. 62–83. Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House. ______. In press. “Transpersonal Dialogue: A New Direction.” Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. Wilber, Ken. 1979. “Are the Chakras Real?
I recently watched a sobering video of what it is like for a single mother to live on a $7.50 minimum-wage job at McDonald's. It was grim. The video made it clear just how many government subsidies for rent, childcare, food, ...
I move between worlds. I've traveled spiritual and healing pathways both deep and wide for the past forty years and Returning to Sacred World explores and clarifies important aspects of a number of them. I've followed my nose and by ...
Using 'World of Warcraft' and 'Second Life' as case studies, this book shows that many residents now use virtual worlds to reimagine their traditions and work to restore them to 'authentic' sanctity or replace religious institutions with ...
Dr. Shinn explores these two sacred worlds: the personal, which results from the emotional attitudes aroused by an experience of sacred power; and the social, which originates in the processes...
This book examines the scholarly genre of 'geographia sacra' in early modern Europe, tracing its contours, the outlooks and concerns of its practitioners, as well as the intersections of religion and geography in an age that saw dramatic ...
Hermeneutical Paths to the Sacred Worlds of India: Essays in Honour of Robert W. Stevenson
Not only does it provide a rich analysis of religious experience, but he also includes much that has been overlooked by other interpreters of the world's religions."—Richard D. Hecht, coauthor of The Sacred Texts of the World
The study of religion and literature continues to go from strength to strength - this collection of essays offers a dynamic, lively and provocative contribution to the field and aims to map out new directions it might take.