The Post-Colonial Studies Readeris the most comprehensive selection of key texts in post-colonial theory and criticism yet compiled. This collection covers a huge range of topics, featuring nearly ninety of the discipline's most widely read works. TheReader's90 extracts are designed to introduce the major issues and debates in the field of post-colonial literary studies. This field itself, however, has become so varied that no collection of readings could encompass every voice which is now giving itself the name "post-colonial." The editors, in order to avoid a volume which is simply a critical canon, have selected works representing arguments with which they do not necessarily agree, but rather which above all stimulate discussion, thought and further exploration. Post-colonial "theory" has occurred in all societies into which the imperial force of Europe has intruded, though not always in the official form oftheoretical text. Like the description of any other field the term has come to mean many things, but this volume hinges on one incontestable phenomenon: the "historical fact"of colonialism, and the palpable consequences to which this phenomenon gave rise. The topic involves talk about experience of various kinds: migration, slavery, suppression, resistance, representation, difference, race, gender, place, and reaction to the European influence, and about the fundamental experiences of speaking and writing by which all these come into being. In compiling this reader, the editors have sought to stimulate people to ask: "How might a genuinely post-colonial literary enterprise proceed?" The fourteen sections include: Issues and Debates; Universality and Difference; Textual Representation and Resistance; Postmodernism and Post-Colonialism; Nationalism; Hybridity; Ethnicity and Indigenity; Feminism and Post-Colonialism; Language; The Body and Performance; History; Place; Education; and Production andConsumption. Contributors include many of the leading post-colonial theorists and critics--such as Franz Fanon, Chinua Achebe, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Homi Bhabba, Derek Walcott, Edward Said, and Trinh T. Minh-ha--in addition to a number of the discourse's newer voices.The Post-Colonial Studies Readerwill prove an authoritative compilation, representing an invaluable contribution to the study of post-colonial theory and criticism.
DIVA collection of foundational and contemporary essays in postcolonial science studies./div
... H. (Rutherford) 43, 132 Malik, K. 161, 165 Malinowski, Bronislaw 155 Manning, P. 173 Maolain, C.O. 126 Marley, Bob 134, 166 Marx, Karl 31, 176, 177 Matthews, J.P. 171 Maurice, Saint 160 Maxwell, A. 149, 150 Maxwell, D.E.S. 41 Mba, ...
Provides an in-depth introduction to debates within post-colonial theory and criticism.
This collection answers the now pressing need for a distinctively postcolonial take on the rapidly expanding area of reader and reception studies.
Palmer, Vance (1905) 'An Australian national art', Steele Rudd Magazine (January), reprinted in Barnes 1969. Palmer, Vance (1954) The Legend of the Nineties. Sydney: Angus and Robertson. Paniker, Ayyappa (1982) 'A dialogue with Cleanth ...
Provides a clearly written and wide-ranging account of postcolonialism, empire, imperialism, and colonialism, written by one of the leading scholars on the topic Details the history of anti-colonial movements and their leaders around the ...
The book is distinctive in its concern for the specific historical, material and cultural contexts for postcolonial theory, and in its attempt to sketch out the ethical possibilities for postcolonial theory as a model for living with and ...
Tom Thompson's Annunciation with a Distant Town is a fine demonstration of the veranda as the setting for a counter-discursive reply to European art. Based on the Annunciation tradition of Renaissance painting, Thompson's painting is mo ...
In her first full treatment of postcolonial studies, a field that she helped define, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, one of the world's foremost literary theorists, poses these questions from within the postcolonial enclave.
Challenging and unsettling many basic premises of postcolonial studies, this volume is the ideal Reader for students and scholars of the Indian Postcolonial.