It is now widely recognized that recreation is as important as work. This book analyzes leisure and outdoor recreation in terms of both their management and their wider importance to society. Specifically, this text clarifies the link between leisure, recreation, tourism and resource management; reviews contemporary outdoor recreation management and concepts; critically examines approaches to outdoor recreation planning and management in diverse recreational settings; and considers the future of outdoor recreation and the potential influences of economic, social, political and technological developments. The analysis considers such issues as provision for people with special needs, the impact of outdoor recreation on the environment, and outdoor recreation in both urban and rural contexts.
This comprehensive guide has been substantially revised and updated. Jubenville and Twight address a broad spectrum of issues from turf management to interpretive services, incorporating both current management theory and...
This book develops classification systems of outdoor recreation-related problems, management strategies and practices and combines them into a series of matrices that can help guide park and outdoor recreation management.
D'Luhosch, P., Kuehn, D. and Schuster, R. (2009) Behavioral intentions within off-highway ... Frost, J. and McCool, S. (1988) Can visitor regulation enhance ...
A review of environmental codes of conduct for entrylevel divers and how they should be educated and trained, as this is where many problems lie, is given in Johansen and Koster (2012) and Johansen (2013). cheaper marine park admission ...
The first book to integrate the social science literature on outdoor recreation has been completely updated to reflect current research and new concerns. The book is a standard text in...
New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Sullivan, B.F., & Thomas, S.L. (2007). Documenting student learning outcomes through a research-intensive senior capstone experience: Bringing the data together to demonstrate progress.
A science-based approach to outdoor recreation management at Maine's Acadia National Park, applicable to parks and conservation areas nationwide
This book deals with the interaction of various social groups, and the extent to which they may or may not conflict. It focuses on the interface between the various publics related to recreation, including recreationists themselves.
Outdoor Recreation in America: Trends, Problems, and Opportunities
Surfing has now become a global brand and lifestyle, with icons such as Kelly Slater and Laird Hamilton epitomizing the success and popularity of the sport. Kelly Slater is perhaps the best-known star of the professional surfing circuit ...