When first published, this book made a very significant contribution to the debates on the concepts of schizophrenia and mental illness. This new edition provides an incisive critical analysis of the debates over the last decade.
This book describes what schizophrenia is really like, how the illness progresses and the treatments that have been applied.
General Psychopathology (J. Hoenig & M. N. Hamilton, Trans.). Manchester: Manchester University Press. Johns, L. C., & Van Os, J. (2001). The continuity of psychotic ... Kingdon, D. G., Turkington, D., Collis, J., et al. (1989).
In addition, developing technologies in genomics, molecular biology and neuroimaging provide streams of new information. This book represents a definitive, essential, and up-to-date reference text on schizophrenia.
The main aim of this book is not to advocate a single concept and present only arguments supporting it, but to discuss important controversies. Prob lems concerning a concept cannot be solved by ignoring them.
In this book, you will find the information, reassurance, and advice you need to work toward a better life.
The new edition of this unique book shows how we can better understand the patient's view of their illness, and provides valuable advice for all those involved in the treatment of mental illness.
This book aims to provide a short but detailed overview of current standards of care in schizophrenia.
Deals with the subject of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. With more than 600 entries, this work features a foreword and an introduction, and references and appendixes.
Schizophrenia is one of the most traumatic psychiatric conditions both for the patient and his family. It also suffers from frequent misinterpretation by the popular media. The disorder usually manifests...
This book gives an intimate, personal account of those living with serious psychotic disorder in the United States, India, Africa, and Southeast Asia.