This title, written for headteachers, teachers, governors and health workers, is divided into four parts: part one looks at the changing sexual attitudes and values between 1950 and 2000; part two analyses the principles underpinning sex education, including the problem of values in sex education, liberal values, health, well-being, pleasure and leisure, religious values, family values, and love; part three analyses how a school policy for sex education can be developed. It discusses the aims for sex education, frameworks for practice, the importance of listening to children and the non-school influences on children's values; and part four studies sex education in practice from the age of 14 to 19 years.
They Lived for Others: (a Moral Education Reader)
本书从意义的视角出发, 分析新课程改革前后我国德育存在的问题, 提出以意义追寻为基础重新建构学校道德教育, 并分别从德育目的, 德育内容, ...
本书首先研究了杜威的德育思想,揭示了一系列富有启发意义的思想或命题,接着梳理了杜威德育思想进入并影响中国学校道德教育的历史过程 ...
本书是国际素质教育权威托马斯·里克纳搏士在五十年研究的基础上,总结出的一套非智力因素培养学校方略。作者以西方学者特有的实证精神将有利于个体发展的教育理论融入可重复 ...
Facing Value Decisions: Rationale-building for Teachers