This second edition is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to tourism, leisure and recreation. Each chapter offers a distinctive series of insights into how the geographer has approached the analysis of tourism and recreation.
This is essential reading for students, researchers and academics interested in tourism in the growth region of Asia now and in the future.
Similarly, Cosgrove and Jackson, in writing on resort development, noted: 'Fashion' is therefore capable of analysis, and it can be shown to be motivated by social distinction, which is characterised by geographical segregation.
Environment, Place and Space C. Michael Hall, Stephen J. Page, C.Michael Hall ... higher rainfallareasof Australia (Lesslieand Taylor 1983;Hall and Mark 1985; Hall 1987; Lesslieetal.1987; Lesslie 1991; Manidis Roberts Consultants 1991).
The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place, Space
The Geography of Tourism and Recreation
Offers comprehensive and in depth coverage of the topic for AS and A Level. The book is also a useful resource for GNVQ Tourism and Leisure courses.
If people spend as much time at leisure as they do at work, then the study of the distribution of recreational ... It is doubtful whether it will ever be possible or perhaps necessary to draw a line between work and leisure which would ...
This is the first text to give an historical geographical approach to the field of recreation and tourism. It brings together a wide panorama of materials from a number of...
In Cultural Tourism in a Changing World: Politics, Participation, and (Rejpresentation, edited by Melanie K. Smith and Mike Robinson, 177—190. Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications, ... McNamara, Karen Elizabeth, and Bruce Prideaux.
Emphasising policy recommendations to help public or collective action on the issues and presenting emerging trends in the field, this book should be of interest to students, scholars and stakeholders in tourism/recreation planning and ...