This textbook includes discussions of such topics as the environment, the debt case, export-led industrialization, import substitution industrialization, growth theory and technological capability.
Then, to compensate for a shortfall in the domestic production of staples, the government may adopt a policy of importation of cereals and legumes to make up for the shortage of domestic production brought on by its own policies.
One noted text of the 1950s, Benjamin Higgins's Economic Development, recounts an episode from the postwar period that seemed to justify such optimism. A small Pacific island community was overrun by US military personnel, resulting in ...
Making Poor Nations Rich illustrates the importance of institutions that support economic freedom and private property rights for promoting the form of productive entrepreneurship that leads to sustained increases in countries' standard of ...
In this volume, leading experts in economic development examine the variety of issues that arise as governments in some of the newly industrializing countries of Southeast Asia, such as South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, grapple with this ...
This book is suitable for those who are interested in and study political economy, economic history and European history.
This book is vintage North."--Barry Weingast, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University "In this book Douglass North once again opens new frontiers in economic research.
Learning to Lead: A Primer on Economic Development Strategies
This book makes the bold attempt at proposing a new general theory of economic development.
This book provides an assessment of Latin American 20th century economic performance from a comparative and historical perspective. The author uses growth accounting methods and previously unavailable long-term series data...
We have thus separated "fast followers" and new "late comers". This book enters this debate acutely aware of the complexity of this process.