This Open University Reader examines the practices of learning and teaching which have been developed to support lifelong learning, and the understanding and assumptions which underpin them. The selection of texts trace the widening scope of academic understanding of learning and teaching, and considers the implications for those who develop programmes of learning. It examines in great depth those theories which have had the greatest impact in the field, theories of reflection and learning from experience and theories of situated learning. The implications of these theories ar examined in relation to themes which run across the reader, namely, workplace learning, literacies, and the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies. The particular focus of this Reader is on the psychological or cognitive phenomena that happen in the minds of individual learners. The readings have been selected to represent a range of experience in different sectors of education from around the globe.
This book focuses on developing effective learning techniques to help students excel in school and throughout their lives.
"Keys to College Studying" focuses on these three components of active thinking: Will and self-awareness -- because successful learners are motivated to learn, understand how they learn, and see how learning will benefit them.
Keys to Effective Learning: Study Skills and Habits for Success
Keys to Effective Learning: Study Skills and Habits for Success
"This book forms part of EEE700 Adults learning: the changing workplace A which is one of the units offered by the School of Education in Deakin University's Open Campus Program' - T.p. verso.
This Handbook provides a state-of -the art overview of the field of workplace learning from a global perspective.
Lifelong Learning: Whose Responsibility and what is Your Contribution? : Refereed Papers from the 3rd International Lifelong Learning Conference, Yeppoon,...
Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational. Selman, G., & Selman, M. (2009). The life and death of the Canadian adult education movement. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 35(2), 13–28. Shugg, O. J. W. (n.d.).
Erickson, Rebecca J. 1993. Reconceptualizing family work: The effect of emotion work on perceptions of marital quality. Journal of Marriage and the Family 55: 888–900. Erickson, Rebecca J. 2005. Why emotion work matters: Sex, gender, ...
Table of contents: * Professional Development of the Adult Numeracy Teaching Workforce (Sylvia Johnson) * The slowly changing face of Adults Mathematics Education in Austria.