Designed to interest industrial economists as well as Post-Keynesians, this text introduces, analyzes and takes forward a post-Keynesian theory of the firm.
This visionary Research Handbook presents the state of the art in research on policy design.
This innovative book demonstrates that it is possible to construct a coherent alternative to neoclassical economics based on the contributions of post Keynesian and Kaleckian economists. It identifies elements from...
In Keynes, Knowledge and Uncertainty, the economics and philosophy of J.M. Keynes are placed in relation to contemporary ideas on economic theorizing, demonstrating the prescience of his thought while also...
This book brings together a wide array of experts on Keynes' thought such as Gay Tulip Meeks, Sheila Dow and John Davis who discuss, analyse and criticise such themes as Keynesian probability and uncertainty, the foundations of Keynes' ...
... Economist: 9th Keynes Seminar Papers. London: Palgrave Macmillan: 144–167. Downward, P. (ed). 2003. Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique. London: Routledge. Dunn, S. P. 2008. The 'Uncertain' Foundations of Post Keynesian ...
This book brings the story up-to-date.Of all the subgroups within heterodox economics, Post-Keynesianism has provided the most convincing alternative to mainstream theo
This volume makes a coherent and articulate case for a new interpretation of existing economic theories with long traditions that could help inform both research and policy in the future.Õ Ð Christian Weller, Perspectives on Work ÔA ...
This is only the focal point of a rich and attractive canvas. How I wish this book had been available when I taught methodology! And how I wish economists from all schools of thought would read it!
This book offers an accessible introduction to post-Keynesian economics, showing that there is an alternative to neoclassical economics and its free-market economic policies.
This text provides a history of the post Keynesian approach to economics since 1936.