In this fascinating book of interviews, Baudrillard explores his life in terms of his educational, political and literary experiences, as well as reflecting on his intellectual genesis.
Was Kant really a Leibnizian after all, as Eberhard had accused him of being (K 107)? Did he believe that the world of nature is nothing but a 'well-founded phenomenon', reality itself consisting in timeless, spaceless, ...
An accessible introduction to the ideas of Socrates through four of Plato's most important works: Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, Crito and Phaedo.
Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy , by Roger Ariew , Dennis Des Chene , Douglas M. Jesseph , Tad M. Schmaltz , and Theo Verbeek , 2003 47. Witchcraft , by Michael D. Bailey , 2003 48. Unitarian Universalism , by Mark W. Harris ...
Too little, because the work itself has not been carefully studied in recent decades."--from Thinking in Time Henri Bergson (1859-1941), whose philosophical works emphasized motion, time, and change, won the Nobel Prize for Literature in ...
... moral ( Nørager 1985 : 134 ) . Kun den moderne kommunikative rationalitet kan erstatte det sakrales autoritet og sikre en sækulariseret kulturs organiske solidaritet eller samfundsmæssige sammenhængskraft og sociale integration .
This is the central tenet of the philosophy espoused by Zhuangzi (369?-286? BCE) in the book that bears his name.
This work analyses the major controversies in the "philosophy debates" raging throughout the field of marketing.
7. Søren Krarup m . fl .: Virkelighed og utopi ( 2005 ) Søren Krarup ( f . 1937 ) har igennem fire årtier været en af landets skarpeste debat- tører . Krarup fokuserer i sit forfatterskab på kristendom og danskhed som de centrale ...