The nursing role has evolved to become a high profile professional discipline in which further education has become increasingly important. This has resulted in a large increase in the number of nurses wishing to study for doctorates, but, until now, there has been no text specifically related to doctoral education in the nursing or midwifery context. This book fills that gap and takes a truly international approach to examining best practice in doctoral education. (Midwest).
According to Grace ( 1989 ) : Those coming from the natural sciences had been trained in a research - mentorship process in which research is learned through doing . Those trained in behavioral science fields were familiar with ...
Its early work included explicating core competencies for CNS practice (Baldwin, Lyon, Clark, Fulton, Davidson, & Dayhoff, 2007). Prior to this time, the CNS role was typically described in a functional, “laundry list” of sub-roles, ...
Review of Research in Nursing Education, Volume VI
Consumer's Guide to Doctoral Degree Programs in Nursing