This edited collection draws together papers on competition policy that were presented at the twenty-eighth conference of the Pacific Area Forum on Trade and Development (PAFTAD), held in Manila on 16th to 18th September 2002.
'This is a very timely book which provides an unprecedented analysis of the factors which have shaped the competition law systems of ten Asian countries and Australia.
This timely volume analyses cultural factors in mainland China, Japan and Korea, focusing on their shared but diversely evolved Confucian heritage.
This book explores the implications of Asian forms of capitalism for the emerging global competition law regime.
This volume examines contemporary diplomatic, economic, and security competition between China and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region.
This book focuses on how selected Asian states have responded to the growing impact of "liberalizing and marketizing trends" in public policy formulation and public management.
This book, the first detailed analysis of competition law in the ASEAN countries, looks at the prospects of implementation for the regional law and compares the existing systems in each Member State.
Examines regional competition policy developments in South East Asia, exploring a broad range of related issues from diverse perspectives.
Competition Policy in ASEAN: Case Studies
(...) Dobson, Wendy: Business networks in East Asia. Diversity and evolution. Petri, Peter A.: Markets, competition and restructuring in the 1990s. Lin, Justin Yifu: State intervention, ownership and state enterprise reform in China.
Comprises 19 articles grouped under four headings: Reflection on the WTO system; Experience of East Asian memebers in the WTO system; East Asian perspectives on the WTO issues; and Regional economic integration.