Military power is now the main vehicle for regime change. The US army has been used on more than 30 different occasions in the post-Cold War world compared with just 10 during the whole of the Cold War era. Leading scholar Andrew Williams tackles contemporary thinking on war with this detailed study on liberal thinking over the last century about how wars should be ended, using a vast range of historical archival material from diplomatic, other official and personal papers, which this study situates within the debates that have emerged in political theory. He examines the main strategies used at the end, and in the aftermath, of wars by liberal states to consolidate their liberal gains and to prevent the re-occurrence of wars with those states they have fought. This new study also explores how various strategies: revenge; restitution; reparation; restraint; retribution; reconciliation; and reconstruction, have been used by liberal states not only to defeat their enemies but also transform them. This is a major new contribution to contemporary thinking and action. This book will be of great interest to all students and scholars of politics, international relations and security studies.
Based on US workshops in 1998 and 2000. Barkawi and Laffey are lecturers in international relations, the former at the U. of Wales, Aberystwyth and the latter at the U. of London.--
McWilliams et al . Debs v . U.S. , 23 , 188 , 29ın Devine , John , 112 Dewey , John , 3–4 , 16 , 26 , 28 , 40 , 42 , 53–54 , 58 , 85 , 90–92 , 177 ; debate with Lippmann , 3-4 , 16–17 , 26–37 ; on propaganda , 35-37 ; The Public and Its ...
Wilkes was not in conformity with public law , it will be disavowed . " 158 Seward himself helped talk Lincoln into releasing the envoys with a statement noting that Wilkes had inadvertently broken international law and that Washington ...
"This is a study of the relationship between liberalism, liberal states and peace.
Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, S. 126, introduced January 4, 1995, 104th Congress. “In the wake of disclosures . . .”: J. P. Cassidy, “Torricelli Intel Reforms Said to Damage CIA,” The Hill, October 10, 2001. “In the mid1990s .
Banks, Arthur, andWilliam Overstreet, eds. 1983. A Political Handbookof the World; 1982–1983. New York: McGraw Hill. Barnet, Richard. 1968. Intervention and Revolution. Cleveland,OH: World Publishing Co. Brzezinski, Zbigniew, and Samuel ...
Examines political philosophies of the classic theorists as a means to understand international dilemmas in the post-Cold War world
Despite these contradictions there have been certain continuing themes in the search for a means to end wars, and one of the most enlightening things in this book is they way in which it is possible to see how these themes recur in subtly ...
Gerald T. White, Billions for Defense: Government Financing by the Defense Plant Corporation during World War II (University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1980), pp. 1–50; Jesse H. Jones, Fifty Billion Dollars: My Thirteen Years ...
Sir Michael Howard traces the pattern in the attitudes of liberal-minded men and women in the face of war, from Erasmus to the Americans after Vietnam, and concludes that peacemaking...