Today psychometrics plays an increasingly important role in all our lives as testing and assessment occurs from preschool until retirement. This book introduces the reader to the subject in all its aspects, ranging from its early history, school examinations, how to construct your own test, controversies about IQ and recent developments in testing on the internet.
In Part one of Modern Psychometrics, Rust and Golombok outline the history of the field and discuss central theoretical issues such as IQ, personality and integrity testing and the impact of computer technology and the internet. In Part two a practical step-by-step guide to the development of a psychometric test is provided. This will enable anyone wishing to develop their own test to plan, design, construct and validate it to a professional standard. This third edition has been extensively updated and expanded to take into account recent developments in the field, making it the ideal companion for those studying for the British Psychological Society's Certificates of Competence in Testing.
Modern Psychometrics combines an up to date scientific approach to the subject with a full consideration of the political and ethical issues involved in the large scale implementation of psychometrics testing in today's highly networked society, particularly in terms of issues of diversity and internationalism. It will be useful to students and practictioners at all levels who are interested in psychometrics.
Bolton , MA : Anker . Lewis , R. G. , & Smith , D. H. ( 1994 ) . Total quality in higher education . Delray Beach , FL : St. Lucie Press . Lohman , D. F. ( 1989 ) . Human intelligence : An introduction to advances in theory and research ...
... 582 , 585 Satz , P. , 509 Saunders , B. T. , 198 Sawyer , J. , 610 Saykin , A. J. , 331 Scarr , S. , 539 Schafer ... A. , 479 Sternberg , L. , 550 Sternberg , R. J. , 248 , 297 , 319 , 557 , 559 , 623 Stevens , S. S. , 157 Stevenson ...
B:情人不论你现在怎样,你以后的生活中,一定会有一个肯为你花钱的大方的情人,从对方身上,你可以不费吹灰之力的得到很多利益,实在让人羡慕,不过,有得必有失,在你得到这些利益的同时,请想清楚自己丢掉了些什么,依靠别人一辈子是不可能的事情,除非你有魅力 ...
Zastrow's book is a rich resource and hands-on guide that students like to keep for future reference. This ten-part book has each chapter module broken down into a particular format....
This text is intended for upper-level undergraduate and graduate level courses in departments of counselor education, social work, clinical psychology, and human services. Typical course names include Assessment in Counseling,...
This important text explores assessment and case formulation in cognitive behavioural psychotherapy and unpacks these areas in-depth. This discussion is backed up by chapters focusing on clinical case studies and...
Why do you zig while others zag? What makes you seem unique or peculiar to some people, yet similar or comforting to others? The differences are in our personalities...
This helpful guide moves professionals step-by-step through the screening and assessment tool, Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS): Early Childhood Indicators of Developmental Dysfunction. It includes: an introduction to...
"The initial goal that had led to the first edition of this book remains unchanged. That is, we hope to provide a ready reference to assist the busy clinician or...
Beyond Behavior Modification: A Cognitive-behavioral Approach to Behavior Management in the School