Youth Studies: an introduction is a clear, jargon-free and accessible textbook which will be invaluable in helping to explain concepts, theories and trends within youth studies. The concise summaries of key texts and the ideas of important theorists make the book an invaluable resource. The book also raises questions for discussion, with international case studies and up-to-date examples. The book discusses important issues within youth studies, for example: education and opportunity employment and unemployment family, friends and living arrangements crime and justice identities health and sexuality citizenship and political engagement. Suitable for a wide range of youth-related courses, this textbook provides a theoretical and empirical introduction to youth studies. It will appeal to undergraduate students on international academic and vocational courses, including sociology, politics, criminology, social policy, geography and psychology.
Illuminating the many abstract and contested concepts within youth studies, the book offers explanations to questions such as: How might we define youth?
Drawing on contemporary critical social theories and diverse methodologies, A Critical Youth Studies for the 21st Century explores the educational, employment, cultural and embodied issues that confront young people, and those who work with ...
Do parents need to give their approval for all studies? This work features essays on the subject of youth that address these concerns, providing scholars with practical answers to their many methodological concerns.
This book provides an updated and fresh introduction to recent theoretical developments in youth studies.
Lost youth in the global city. NewYork: Routledge. Duggan, L. (2003). The twilight of equality? Neoliberalism, cultural politics, and the attack on democracy. Boston: Beacon Press. Erikson, E. H. (1950/1985). Childhood and society.
With an informative combination of theory and practice, this edited collection brings together student writings alongside those of major scholars in the field.
This collection shows that it is no longer possible to understand the experience of young people through these prisms and proposes new conceptual foundations for youth studies, capable of bridging the gap between these approaches.
This book introduces the inter-disciplinary study of childhood and youth and the multi-agency practice of professionals who serve the needs of children, young people and their families.
This book won the 2014 AESA (American Educational Studies Association) Critics Choice Award. This reader begins a conversation about the many aspects of critical youth studies.
The Princes Trust (2007) The Cost of Exclusion: Counting the Cost of Youth Disadvantage in the UK. Available online at: (accessed 14 August 2009). Ridge, T. (2002) Childhood Poverty and Social ...