The sociological concept of social capital has grown in popularity in recent years and research programs in North America, Europe, and East Asia have demonstrated how social capital has a significant impact on occupational mobility, community building, social movement, and economic development. This book uses new empirical data to test how social capital works in different societies with diverse political-economic and cultural institutions. Taking a comparative approach, this study focuses on data from three different societies, China, Taiwan, and the United States, in order to reveal the international commonalities and disparities in access to, and activation of, social capital in labor markets. In particular, this book tests whether political economic and cultural differences between capitalist and socialist economic systems and between Western and Confucian cultures create different types of individual social networks and usages. This comparison leads to Joonmo Son's fundamental argument that the institutional constraints of a society's political economy on the one hand, and culture on the other, profoundly impact on both the composition and utilization of social capital. Based on rigorous statistical analysis, this book will be essential reading for students and scholars of social capital, economic sociology, and comparative politics.
Employing the unique Social Capital Project surveys conducted in 2004-5 in the United States, China, and Taiwan with at least 3,000 respondents from each society, I found that institutional constraints played critical roles in determining ...
The volume is divided into three parts. The first segment clarifies social capital as a concept and explores its theoretical and operational bases.
Social Capital and Status Attainment: A Research Tradition. 78. 7. Inequality in Social Capital: A Research Agenda. 99. 8. Social Capital and the Emergence of Social Structure: A Theory of Rational Choice. 127. 9.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Scott, J. 1991. Social network analysis: A handbook. London: Sage. Simon, H. A. 1991a. Bounded rationality and organizational learning. Organization Science, 2: 125–134. Simon, H. A. 1991b.
The stock of social capital includes the general social capital, strong ties and weak ties. The general social capital is measured as the total number of occupations a respondent has access to. It is the most widely used indicator of ...
The contributors to this volume examine the generation of social capital from two directions: society-based approaches that emphasize voluntary associations, and institutional approaches that emphasize policy.
This book contains a number of papers presented at a workshop organised by the World Bank in 1997 on the theme of 'Social Capital: Integrating the Economist's and the Sociologist's Perspectives'.
This volume is a collection of original studies based on one of the first research programs on comparative analysis of social capital. Data are drawn from national representative samples of the United States, China and Taiwan.
The concept of a norm at a macrosocial level , governing the behavior of individuals at a microsocial level , provides a convenient device for explaining individual behavior , taking the social system as given .
Papers presented at the Investigating Social Capital Workshop, held at Solstrand during 18-21 May 2000.