"This classic text presents the most recent advances in social research design and methodology. Users applaud the book's comprehensiveness. It reviews experimental, correlational, quasi experimental, and evalaution designs to survey sampling, interviewing, content analysis, questionaire design, scale developments, and assessing dyads and groups. The research process is described using basic principles of scientific inquiry and how they apply to the study of human behavior. Design issues are emphasized over statistical computations. The book helps readers apply sound scientific analysis to better understand what it means to be human, making it an indispensable resource in the fields of psychology, communication, sociology, education, health, and marketing. With a heavy emphasis on reliability, validity, and measurement, the book considers experimental, quasi-experimental, and survey research designs in light of these qualities. Principles and Methods of Social Research is noted for its: -Emphasis on understanding the principles that govern the use of a method to facilitate the researcher's choice of the best technique for a given situation. - Use of the laboratory experiment to describe and evaluate field experiments, correlational designs, quasi experiments, evaluation studies, and survey designs. Coverage of the ethics of social research including the power a researcher wields and tips on how to use it responsibly. "--
"This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related disciplines.
An extensive revision, this classic text presents the most recent advances in social research design and methodology. Drs. Crano and Brewer thoroughly describe the research process using methods derived from...
This book provides a comprehensive, accessible guide to social science methodology.
... second edition: Kent Buse, Nicholas Mays and Gill Walt Managing health services: Nick Goodwin, Reinhold Gruen and Valerie Iles Medical anthropology: Robert Pool and Wenzel Geissler Public health in history: Virginia Berridge, ...
The book provides a concise overview of the basic principles of social research, including the characteristics of research questions, the importance of literature reviews, variations in data generation techniques, and sampling.
This book can serve as an undergraduate or graduate social sciences text on research methods.
This book introduces some of the principles of social research as applied to public health. It is aimed at those with some understanding of health and health care but little exposure to social research.
Using examples from a range of settings, this book provides a clear introduction to basic principles in social research.
'. . . a vast array of material that would be useful in a variety of courses and projects. Recommended.' - R.K. Murray, Choice
This text will prove indispensable for social science students of all levels embarking upon a research project, and for experienced researchers looking for a fresh perspective on their object of study.