Photographic lighting is a topic that will never go out of style, no matter how sophisticated cameras and other technology get. Even with the most high-tech gear, photographers still need to put a lot of thought and vision into lighting their photographs in order to get great results. This key skill has the power to dramatically and quickly improve photographs. Light Science and Magic provides you with a comprehensive theory of the nature and principles of light, with examples and instructions for practical application. Featuring photographs, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions, this book speaks to photographers of varying levels. It provides invaluable information on how to light the most difficult subjects, such as surfaces, metal, glass, liquids, extremes (black-on-black and white-on-white), and portraits. This new edition includes: All new chapter titled "Setting Up Your New Studio" A re-vamped and expanded chapter 8 now titled "Making Portraits" New appendix of reliable photo gear sources Over 100 new photographs and informational sidebars Updated information about advances in flash equipment, LED panels and fluorescent lights Styles of lighting continue to change, but the nature of light will always remain the same. Once photographers understand the basic physics of lighting, they can apply that knowledge to a broad range of photographic styles.
Featuring photographs, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions, this book speaks to photographers of varying levels.
Featuring photographs, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions, this book speaks to photographers of varying levels.
This highly respected guide has been thoroughly updated and revised for content and design, and is now produced in full color.
A behind-the-scenes look at the world of special effects discusses a wide range of ingenious techniques--from computer graphics and optical compositing to matte printing and model construction--used in such films as "Star Wars," ...
In a world where science is everything, humans rule the universe, and people no longer believe in magic.
A behind-the-lens guide by an acclaimed master instructs readers on professional lighting and portrait techniques while sharing informative anecdotes, technical notes, and lighting diagrams.
Following up on the great success of The Moment It Clicks and The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes, legendary magazine photographer Joe McNally takes us on another memorable ride with Sketching Light, another trip into the ...
For those who have found your North Stars, this book will be an invaluable tool to stay the course and overcome obstacles. For those who still feel adrift, it will provide a way to find true North and follow the path of best destiny.
The Secret Science of Magic
By taking these beliefs seriously, while keeping an eye on science, this book aims to capture some of the power of the occult. Readers will discover that the occult has a long history that reaches back to Babylonia and ancient Egypt.