"Anthropology of Religion: The Basics is an accessible and engaging introductory text organized around key issues that all anthropologists of religion face. This book uses a wide range of historical and ethnographic examples to address not only what is studied by anthropologists of religion, but how such studies are approached. It addresses questions such as:How do human agents interact with gods and spirits?What is the nature of doing religious ethnography? Can the immaterial be embodied in the body, language and material objects?What is the role of ritual, time, and place in religion?Why is charisma important for religious movements? How do global processes interact with religions?With international case studies from a range of religious traditions, suggestions for further reading, and inventive reflection boxes, Anthropology of Religion: The Basics is an essential read for students approaching the subject for the first time"--
Lawrence, Bruce B. (1989) Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt against the Modern Age, San Francisco, Calif. ... Levy, Leonard W. (1993) Blasphemy: Verbal Offense against the Sacred, from Moses to Salman Rushdie, New York: Alfred ...
This is an essential guide for students encountering anthropology of religion for the first time.
The text examines a full spectrum of religions, from small-scale societies to major, established religions.
The text examines a full spectrum of religions, from small-scale societies to major, established religions.
Ordered Universes introduces and explores important anthropological issues, concerns, and findings about the institution of religion approached as a human cultural universal.
Additionally, the inclusion of research tools and an extensive bibliography lends unsurpassed accessibility to this text.
The book offers a mixture of classic readings and more recent contributions, and the 'world religions' are included along with examples from the religions of traditionally non-literate cultures.
A comprehensive anthropological study of religion traces the history of the discipline, discusses the archeological discoveries that have shed light on the development of religious consciousness, and examines the various...
The essays presented here are written by fellow scholars in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of anthropology.
This comprehensive and engaging introduction to the anthropology of religion brings together a rich and balanced collection of classic and contemporary readings. Ideal for courses in the anthropology of religion...