The media, American culture and political power are bound together in an association in which the stakes increase daily. This book is a radical attempt to lay out the complex ways in which the American media and American culture are powerfully interlocked.
The book considers these categories as global political technologies implicated in hegemonic and 'soft power' relations whose reach is both deep and broad. --
Clark's idea was well received, as it reflected a widely shared anxiety that books be well labeled; Winfrey talked about publisher's obligation to “categorize” a book correctly, and the Washington Post's Richard Cohen asked Frey if he ...
Examines performance art in the 1980s and new modes of political art in a media-saturated culture
6 Ross Layer, “U.S. Fears Castro Unleashing Criminals, Spies,” Globe and Mail, May 1, 1990. 7 “Miami Homicide Rate 5 Times above Usual among Cuban Exiles,” New York Times, June 1, 1980; “Cuban Ties Boatlift to Drug Trade,” New York ...
The Carter administration made some minor regulatory changes that had a marginal impact on gay concerns : the Internal ... in the 1980 Democratic primaries and the independent campaign of Republican John Anderson in the general election ...
In Immigrant Acts, Lisa Lowe argues that understanding Asian immigration to the United States is fundamental to understanding the racialized economic and political foundations of the nation.
Locating Filipino Americans is one of the few books that offers a grounded approach to theoretical analyses of ethnicity and contemporary culture in the U.S. Author note: Rick Bonus is Assistant Professor of American Ethnic Studies at the ...
Perceptions of the Middle East in conflicting discourses from North America, South America, and Europe
"Examines the importance of culture in the push for black political power and social recognition and argues the key black cultural practices have been notable in reconfiguring the shape and texture of social and cultural life in the U.S. ...
At the same time, researchers began to rewrite the history of UMs by developing typologies and analyzing political strategies (Bennett 1992, 1993; Farrera Araujo and Prieto Hernández 1986; Hernández 1987; Perló and Schteingart 1984; ...