"Teletheory is the application of grammatology to television in the context of schooling, not as a way to interpret or criticize television, or rather, video, but to learn from it a new pedagogy. This application or consultation assumes first that the theories of Derrida and the other French poststructuralists (supported by certain art practices) offer the best hope for understanding an era in which the technology of culture is shifting from print to video; and second that this understanding includes not only a pedagogy, but a program for popularization capable of reuniting the advanced research in the humanities disciplines with the conduct of everyday life. Teletheory (the book) offers a rationale and guidelines for a specific genre--mystory--designed to do the work of schooling and popularization in a way that takes into account the new discursive and conceptual ecology interrelating orality, literacy, and videocy."--Preface.
Bland'.” It. is. faithful. to. Blonsky's. version. of. semiotics because it takes its object to be something which is unsaid, or in other ways unmarked. Blonsky does not say that scientists are unethical, nor indeed that semioticians ...
Hawk calls for the reexamination of current pedagogies to incorporate vitalism and complexity theory and argues for their application in the environments where students write and think today.
David Zarefsky has described surrogate arguments in the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. Zarefsky argues that both debaters employed the surrogate argumentative themes oflaw, history, and political conspiracy as a way of suggesting ...
Similarly, in 1997 Kwame Anthony Appiah, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Michael Colin Vasquez produced The Dictionary of Global Culture, which takes as its premise that the West cannot remain the cultural and intellectual center of the ...
“This work is both enormously difficult to read and startlingly clear” (241). “The 'purpose' of the collection-as ... F672 Waller, Gary F. “Author, Text, Reading, Ideology: Towards a Revisionist Literary History of the Renaissance.
One of the more obvious examples of this occurs with Khan Academy, a loosely organized educational enterprise created by Salman Khan. Khan began by assembling informal tutoring videos for his young cousin and posting them on YouTube, ...
... Lee Morrissey, Angela Naimou, Barbara Ramirez, Elizabeth Rivlin, Lindsay Thomas, and Victor Vitanza. I'm especially grateful to Scot Barnett, David Blakesley, Erin Goss, Steve Holmes, Kimberly Manganelli, Brian McGrath, ...
(Teletheory 209) Once these three domains of, what Ulmer calls, a popcycle have been imagined, outlined, and researched, a pattern across them is ascertained by way of one's answering three questions: 1. How does the world work?
This text examines the implications of hypertextual reading for contemporary literary theory.
Ulmer, Teletheory, 210. 7. Ulmer, Teletheory, 211. 8. Dan Piepenbring, ed., Prince: The Beautiful Ones (New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2019), 12. 9. Piepenbring, Prince, 14. 10. Amanda Petrusi , “Paisley Park, Prince's Lonely Palace,” New ...