First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Kimogi活用情緖: 看故事學EQ
The five essays making up this book...are about the persistence of the norm of reciprocity in our daily lives, about the ways in which shame and envy and especially humiliation sustain 'cultures of honor' to this day.'-Speculum
Your Feelings Are Your Friends
New to this edition is a chapter on the role nutrition plays in emotional, mental, and physical health.Psychoneuroimmunology - The Mind/Body Connection, The Impact of Stress on Health, The Disease - Prone Personality, Anger, Hostility, and ...
Emotionen lenken und bestimmen unser Leben von Grund auf, aber kaum jemand weiß, wo und wie sie entstehen. Der international renommierte Hirnforscher Joseph E. LeDoux führt den Leser anschaulich und kompetent an dieses Thema heran.
A natureza e a origem das emoções 'Em O Cérebro Emocional, LeDoux apresenta sua pesquisa pioneira de forma extremamente fácil de ler e aplicar no dia-a-dia. UM livro altamente recomendável.'...
Duygusal Beyin: Duygusal Yasamin Gizemli Temelleri
Emotionen lenken und bestimmen unser Leben von Grund auf, aber kaum jemand weiß, wo und wie sie entstehen. Der international renommierte Hirnforscher Joseph E. LeDoux führt den Leser anschaulich und kompetent an dieses Thema heran.
By holding our thoughts at arms-length we are able to evaluate them and change our actions to match our values. This book is not a quick fix but a new way of living."--
With the help of Unmasking the Face, you will be able to improve your recognition of the facial clues to emotion, increase your ability to detect "facial deceit," and develop a keener awareness of the way your own face reflects your ...