Aside from Post Modernism, probably the hottest topic today among socialist scholars world-wide is Market Socialism. What exactly is Market Socialism? Which of our current problems would it solve, which leave untouched? How would it come about? What is its relation to capitalism? How does it compare with more traditional visions of socialism? What do other socialists find lacking in it, and what do they propose instead? In the present volume, four leading socialist scholars, who have been deeply involved in this debate - two for, two against - give their answers to these questions.
本书首次汇集作者的整个学术成就,即是唯一一部提供这位学院派思想家的著作概观、显示其思想发展的书:从他对当代非洲政治与社会变迁的开拓性研究、现代世界体系的分析 ...
See A. Marshall (1890) 1920. There are over a dozen references to Hume in Edgeworth's papers on probability and economics, and they reflect a solid command of Hume. See Mirowski 1994, 457. Hume 1906. Spencer (2005,283–99) offers a ...
But as Folsom points out, the most successful entrepreneurs, such as James Jerome Hill, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and John D. Rockefeller, were neither robber barons nor “political entrepreneurs.” They were “market entrepreneurs”—honest ...
Among other virtues,Cronon's book is a model of how to understand economy, politics, and society as a whole fabric, rather than in the narrow slices created by separate aca- demic disciplines.Another rewarding book on the colonial ...
Conservative Capitalism in Britain and the United States: A Critical Appraisal
... Chapter 10 in Applied Economics , Macmillan , 1998 . Griffiths , A. and Wall , S. , Chapter 13 in Applied Economics , Pearson , 8th edn , 1999 . Munday , S. , Chapter 7 in Current Developments in 118 Markets and Market Failure.
In this third edition of Capitalism and Classical Social Theory, John Bratton and David Denham build on the classical triumvirate--Karl Marx, ?mile Durkheim, and Max Weber--by extending the conversation to include early female theorists ...
This very readable book by a distinguished economist, Wall Street Journal editor, and Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury is a major challenge both to economic theory and to media explanations of the ongoing 21st century economic crisis.
Niangui , L'organisation sociale et politique des gwa de Côte d'Ivoire ( Abidjan : Université Nationale de Côte ... J. P. Chauveau and J. Richard , Organisation soci - économique gban et économie de plantation ( Abidjan : ORSTOM ...
Savage , S.P. and Robins , L. ( eds . ) , Public Policy Under Thatcher , MacMillan , London , p.46 . industries but to promote free - market ideas and supply 152 The New Unemployed Industrial Policy.