This volume draws together a range of Chomsky's writings arguing that the goal of education is to produce free human beings whose values are not accumulation and domination, but rather free association on terms of equality.
New York: Farrar, Strauss 8c Giroux. West, C. (1993). Race matters. New York: Farrar, Strauss 8C Giroux. notes 1Some of the demographics have been altered slightly to protect the privacy of individuals. 2The construction of the model is ...
The concept of paradoxical spaces has been put forth by numerous feminists , namely feminists of color and lesbian critics whose notions of location imply " contradictory spatialities " and " heterogeneous geometries " ( G. Rose ...
... suggest studying culture as a construct that influences cognition as well as motivation, interactions, everyday practices, worldviews, and negotiating our place in the world (Cole, 1996; Guitierrez & Rogoff, 2003; Lee, 2007).
Cannon , J. 2000. Crickwing . San Diego . Calif .: Harcourt Brace . Nickle , J. 1999. The Ant Bully . New York : Scholastic Inc. Stones , R. 1993. ... Johnson , D. , and R. Johnson . 1996. Conflict Bullying in the Elementary School 73.
In R. Amster , A. DeLeon , L. Fernandez , A. J. Nocella II , & D. Shannon ( Eds . ) , Contemporary Anarchist Studies : An ... In L. Dahlberg & E. Siapera ( Eds . ) , Radical Democracy and the Internet : Interrogating Theory and Practice ...
Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media
For additional information about this series or for the submission of manuscripts , please contact : Joe L. Kincheloe & Shirley R. Steinberg c / o Peter Lang Publishing , Inc. 29 Broadway , 18th floor New York , New York 10006 To order ...
Terry Eagleton, Terry, Literary Theory: An Introduction, second ed. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), 179. 20. Frederick F. Schmitt, Socializing Epistemology: The Social Dimensions of Knowledge (Lanham, ...
In this new collection, contributors from a variety of disciplines provide a critical context for the relationship between feminist pedagogy and academic feminism by exploring the complex ways that critical perspectives can be brought into ...
In addition to a preface, new material throughoutand updated refrences and resources,the book includes four full new chapters on additionalforms of oppression---transgenderism;ethno-religious oppression; racism, immigrationan, and globalism ...