Folk Music: TheBasics gives a brief introduction to British and American folk music. It is an excellent introduction to the players, the music, and the styles that make folk music an enduring and well-loved musical style.
The well-loved stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder will come to life all over again as you listen to the songs and read the stories behind the songs. These were the...
Australian Folk Music
The first introduction in English to the tradition music & culture of Cambodia, including children's songs, instrumental, vocal & dance music, percussion pieces & stories.
En 1602 , la Fleur ou l'eslite des chansons amoureuses en contient une version : C'est au pays de par - delà La belle bergère Une claire fontaine y a La la la et la belle bergère J'en ay tant beu qu'ell ' m'a faict mal , J'en fus malade ...
Mit seiner Abhandlung ... und sie singen, tanzen und musizieren noch... legt Klaus Naumann die erste umfassende musikethnologische Studie uber die Musik der deutschen Minderheit in Polen vor.
CATSKINS “ Yes , I saw her . ” DAUGHTER “ Well , the Rich's are having another play - party tomorrow night . I wonder will that girl come ? ” CATSKINS " I wonder . ” LADY “ Now , don't you go wakin ' my 44 Act I SING DOWN THE MOON :
... 33, 69, 90 Brodsky, Adam, 60 Bromberg, David, interview with, 11 Brooks, David, 112 Brooks, Garth, 59 Broonzy, Big Bill, 2 Brown, Greg, 57 Brown, Jim, xx Browne, Jackson, 43 Brumley, Albert E., 8 Bruni, Carla, 67 Buck-and-wing, 16.
Woody had interviewed for a singing job at the swank Rainbow Room in Rockefeller Center, where red roses "as wide as your hand" floated in water-filled glass bowls on each table. Called back for a second interview, he tried out a few ...
Das eine ist untrennbar vom anderen , wie Laurence Kramer formuliert : “ Words invest music with the capacity to ' speak ' of its contexts that it is usually thought to lack , and is often prized for lacking . Neither the speech nor the ...
Ol Singsing Bilong Ples