What might be the outcome for philosophy if its texts were subjected to the powerful techniques of rhetorical close-reading developed by current deconstructionist literary critics? This book is the first to explore such questions in the context of modern analytic and linguistic philosophy. In doing so it opens up a new and challenging dimension of inter-disciplinary study.
Language, Minds, and Knowledge
Necessity and Language
The volume also includes texts of redrafted material by Waismann closely based on the dictations." --Book Jacket.
A philosophical examination and celebration of the human hand.
Winckelmann possessed style , grace and elegance , but connectedness and getting it right were not his virtues . Because his inner life and its outer expression in writing were not connected , he failed to understand the art of his own ...
Necessity, Essence, and Individuation, Cornell University Press, 1989. Sidelle, Alan. “Identity and the Identity-like,” Philosophical Topics, 20, 1992. Sidelle, Alan. “Rigidity, Ontology and Semantic Structure,” Journal of Philosophy, ...
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
Exploring the work of artists from across the centuries - from Diego Velázquez to Wesley Kimler, from Sigmar Polke to Lawrence Weiner - Mark Brandl argues that metaphor is the foundation of most visual thought, and that art-as-language is ...